In the United States the Democrats are attached to old ideas. One of these old ideas is the Robin Hood protocol. The Robin Hood protocol requires that voters elect Democrats and in exchange for party loyalty the Democrats will tax the rich and give to the poor. Since a lot of or perhaps the majority of voters are poor and since a majority of Democrats are also probably poor this amounts to a kind of mass bribe or in less provocative terms a method of buying votes. At the same time this creates a “lifeline” dependency on the Democratic party and it’s politicians while giving the politicians the power to cut that “lifeline” dependency off if they have a change of mood.
This state of affairs may have worked in the past because the threat of revolution, civil unrest, organized crime, all but required that the government placate the have nots through social programs aka “hand outs”. I will state for sake of clarity that I have no issue with “hand outs” because corporations receive these “hand outs” as well in the form of government contracts. The problem arises from the fact that due to technological advances leading to “total transparency” or “total surveillance” there eventually will no longer be a fear of revolution, unrest, organized crime, etc. Once this delicate balance of power is broken the Robin Hood protocol which encompassed the strategy of the Democrats for decades going back to FDR will also be broken. The social contract breaks down under a state of total surveillance & total transparency and after the fear of social unrest is gone is there any reason for politicians to continue with the social programs aka “hand outs” to keep the majority of the population placated?
I believe we cannot predict the outcome or future political events. I also don’t believe that people who are in a position to do something today should put their fate and their future into the hands of political authority, religious authority, Jesus, aliens, or anyone else. I take the opinion that we make our fate and no entity from up above will come down to save those down below.
How did communities do social programs prior to there being a government? Prior to nationalist governments providing social programs there were mutual aid societies/benefit societies which provided the social welfare services. These mutual aid societies/benefit societies were based on the value of community service and the Freemasons are an example of this. To get accepted into a mutual aid society a person had to be of good character and other members had to vouch for their character.
Fast foward to 2015 and we now have the blockchain which allows for programmable distributed autonomous societies. These new global societies could take on similar functions that mutual aid societies took on during times when there were no government social programs. By building these sorts of distributed autonomous societies now we can reduce the risk of chaos and social upheaval in the future. By building these sorts of societies now we might be able to prevent a rise in organized crime, terrorism, resource wars, which could come about if we stay on the current course.
One of the first implementations of a programmable distributed autonomous society will be the digital autonomous virtual state (DAVS) project. More information will be available about this in future postings. This post and future postings on the subject can be seen as a historical documentation of my thoughts and intentions going forward.
Beito, David. ‘From Mutual Aid To Welfare State: How Fraternal Societies Fought Poverty And Taught Character’. The Heritage Foundation. N.p., 2000. Web. 1 Mar. 2015.
Scandlen, Greg, and Greg Scandlen. ‘Mutual Aid Societies: It’S Amazing What People Can Do Together’. The Federalist. N.p., 2015. Web. 1 Mar. 2015.
Wikipedia,. ‘Mutual Aid (Organization Theory)’. N.p., 2015. Web. 1 Mar. 2015.