Monthly Archives: May 2015

The dangers of decentralized ransom networks

The danger of distributed ransom networks

Anonymity has it’s risks and it’s benefits. One of the dangers of anonymity is that it can empower ransomware makers to do distributed ransom attacks. Because the development of ransomware can be done in a distributed fashion and the payout for the ransom can be disbursed in distributed fashion these sorts of markets will likely form to leverage anonymity.

Denial of service attacks could be launched upon certain services or businesses. Hacks can take place where criminals can encrypt information in such a way that the key is broken and disseminated to the group. The group itself could be spread across multiple jurisdictions.

And before I could finish writing this blog post there is the release of the first Rasomware as a Service. It is only a matter of time before we see more of this so it would be a good idea to begin taking precautions the easiest of which is to simply not store Bitcoins on an electronic device. If you must store it electronically then do not store your keys all in once place by using 2 of 3  multisig or buy a Trezor hardware wallet.

Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption, Smart Contracts and Curiosume

  • Resumes become –> Personal APIs.
  • Perosnal APIs represent –> Attributes.

Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption can provide access control by Personal API.

This would allow for a smart contract to hire algorithmically, to form emergent social networks automagically by Personal API, and to restrict access to individuals who have the attributes necessary by using CP-ABE with Personal APIs.

What is Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE)?

Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption is a relatively new kind of encryption where access control is set according to attributes. The policy determines which attributes are required for access to the confidential data.  In specific  CP-ABE has use cases which include protecting health records, securing communications networks,  and more. A benefit of this granular approach to access control is that privacy can be better preserved  while limiting the necessary trust requirements in specific individuals. In CP-ABE any individuals who match the attributes and only these individual will be allowed access.

What are smart contracts?

Smart contracts are able to function as self enforcing scripts which can automate processes such as hiring, firing, pairing, and more. Participants can be paired algorithmically according to the knowledge they have by smart contracts.

What is Curiosume?

Curiosume helps to account for intangible knowledge assets. It is an analog to digital converter for knowledge assets. It will be interesting to see how knowledge assets can be allocated by artificial intelligence should an artificial intelligence layer be built up on top of Curiosume. Curiosume puts the individual in control of their data as owners and with the digital personal API which functions like a public key the data is  only meaningful when paired with a private key.

WiKid (Wisdom, Innovation, Knowledge, Information, Data) Tools allow for the creation of social currencies. Innovation can be valued and transformed into an asset using WiKid Tools. Because it curiosume allows for mathematical representation and observation of a network of knowledge assets it allows for predictive analysis.




Roy, S., & Chuah, M. (2009). Secure data retrieval based on ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) system for the DTNs. Lehigh CSE Tech. Rep.