Category Archives: Memetics

More on PPBNs now referred to as “personal preference swarms”

How should personal preference bot nets (PPBNs) be reframed?

It has been brought to my attention that the phrase “personal preference bot networks”(PPBNs) may be problematic because it evokes a bad frame in the minds of certain individuals. An alternative phrase for “personal preference bot network” (PPBNs) which acquires the same meaning while maintaining the mass appeal would be “personal preference swarms” (PPSs).

You who relays the message may decide the best frames for your audience

So it is at the discretion of those who relay these concepts to choose between “personal preference bot network” and “personal preference swarm” depending on who their audience is. You are also free to “remix” because “remix-ability is good”. If you can find a better way to express these concepts to your audience then please do so in your own words as long as there is accuracy in getting it across.

The message should be remixed and the most fit frames selected for each audience

The process of using a human based genetic algorithm applies here. The data sequence (core concepts and algorithms) must be consistent and unchanged. The innovators of new frames are whomever understands the core concepts and algorithms well enough to remix and repackage them without losing their meaning. The audience is the selector of effective frames and depending on who that audience is there may be different frames and packages which appeal to your audience.

Know your audience

To know your audience requires a feedback loop. You test a frame, you let them like or dislike any word or phrase in your article. If the data supports that the frame is catchy in a good way then continue to promote the frame. Just like evolution the most fit frames emerge from selection not from top down design. Maybe a good way to generate quality frames would be to have a prediction market and a way to track the success rate or failure rate of certain frames in certain demographics.

I encourage all understand the concepts in this blog to remix and share the concepts to the best of their understanding from the perspective they have for the audiences that follow them. May the best frames thrive.